
residual materials or waste in connection with mining operations.
residual materials or waste in connection with mining operations.
residual materials or waste in connection with mining operations.
mineral rights refer to exploration rights and extraction rights, which are regulated by the Minerals Act. (DMF)
mineral rights refer to exploration rights and extraction rights, which are regulated by the Minerals Act. (DMF)
When the main product is separated from the ore, one is left with by-products and tailings. By-products can be sold, while tailingsmust be deposited.
The EU's Critical Raw Materials Act lays down guidelines for how the EU must succeed.
Direktoratet for mineralforvaltning med Bergmesteren for Svalbard
Abbreviation for the area with the rock type Fe-dolomite-carbonatite, also referred to as rauhaugite.
Mineral deposit at Ulefoss in Telemark. The geology in the area is based on a limestone volcano (Fenvulkanen) that was active 580 million years ago.
Change in an environmentally and climate-friendly direction. Often linked to the UN's sustainability goals (
The entrance to the underground mine.
International Energy Agency. Also abbreviated IAEA.
Institute for Energy Technology is Norway's nuclear research institute.
Limestone volcanism is a rare type of volcano where lava is formed with a significant content of carbonates. Rocks associated with limestone volcanism are called carbonatites, which are known to contain rare earths.
Production of electrical energy by transformation of atomic nuclei, so-called nuclear energy
Power plants that produce electrical energy by transforming atomic nuclei, so-called nuclear energy
Raw materials that are economically and strategically important to the economy, and that have a high risk of disruption in the supply lines. Rare earths are considered among the most critical.
State-owned Swedish mining company. Known for operating the iron mines in Kiruna.
A rock that contains minerals or elements in economically viable quantities.
A rock that contains minerals or elements in economically viable quantities.
Norges geologiske undersøkelser
element with atomic no. 41 and atomic symbol Nb. In its pure form it appears as a light gray metal. (SNL)
techniques and methods for separating minerals from the ore.
The Paris Agreement is an international agreement that will help the world's countries limit climate change. (Source: UN)
REE is an abbreviation for the English expression rare earths elements (rare earths)
REE is an abbreviation for the English expression rare earths elements (rare earths)
REE is an abbreviation for the English expression rare earths elements (rare earths)
Decommissioned mining facility in the Fen Complex where niobium was extracted between 1953 and 1965. The state was responsible for the operation via AS Norsk Bergverk.
Calcite-rich rock with niobium-containing minerals, known from the Fen Complex and named after the farm Søve.
Common term for techniques to make military equipment less visible on radar and other sensors.
Raw materials that are important for weapons production and defence, and that states want secure access to, or prevent the other party from obtaining. (DSD)
Thorium er et metallisk, radioaktivt grunnstoff som har atomnummer 90 og atomsymbol Th. (SNL)
Total rare earth oxides, i.e. all the rare earth elements in oxide form.
 Uranium is a radioactive element with atomic number 92 and atomic symbol U. (SNL)
Extraction rights for the state's minerals are granted by the Directorate for Minerals, and means that the operator can later apply for an operating licence.
Rocket-propelled bomb used by the Germans to bomb England during World War II.
Expression for the entire life cycle of a production process, from raw materials to final product - and recycling.